Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Earth's 'Sojourn

The following represents a very small excerpt from a book I wrote a few years ago to do with life and its winning ways.
I thought it well for an open forum discussion at this time of the earth’s ‘sojourn’:

In the short religious film, "Man’s search for happiness", one particular thought states (to the effect):
"One of life’s greatest trials comes with the death of a loved one…yet it is though life’s experience [inclusive of death, itself, for death is a part of life] that we are able to prepare for the eternities."
If we view the course of our existence via an overall picture (as the Creator obviously would), our earth life would represent the most minute of specks in an enormous continuum: length - beyond human imagination!

Yet, despite this extraordinarily minute block, called "life", we are able, in this small period (when coupled with any pre-earthly experience [see "Socrates"]), to prepare for what is to be expected of us IN that great, ETERNAL continuum, that follows this life!
No wonder, then, the taxing nature of life’s test!
Sorrow, that we appreciate both - eternal bliss, and earthly happiness and its good times;
Sickness, that we may appreciate health; and the immortality to come;
Time, that we may appreciate eternity;
Pain, that we may appreciate pleasure and good health;
Mortal limitations, that we may eventually appreciate (and not abuse) our immortality and "super" capacity (in the after-life - in the resurrection);
Ignorance (as babes and young), that we may appreciate knowledge, understanding and learning;
Weakness, that we may know and appreciate strength;
Loneliness, that we may appreciate family and friends;
Scarcity, that we may appreciate our "mansions above" - our "Kingdoms" of the after-life; and develop sufficient empathy to prompt us to share with others in need, in this life.
That we may appreciate the handiwork of GOD; and the eventual glorious beauties of living in the cleanliness and beauty of heaven, with Him; and
That we may appreciate that gift which lasts forever - Eternal Life.

That great Mastermind has supplied every life’s experience, and its opposite (as we also witness much through others around us), that we may ultimately have the knowledge of personal frustration, of experience, generally - understanding and genuine empathy, that we may enter eternity fully equipped and prepared for the ENORMOUS WORK and yet the REWARDS, also, which lie in front of us.

Again, paraphrasing Man’s Search for Happiness:
"You, then, whoever you are, be assured that your life has meaning…and that it is through death that we, again, meet loved ones, awaiting us with open arms."
Death, then, is essentially that part of our eternal journey that returns us to God. Birth separates us, but for a moment, from Him … Death, subsequently, returns us to Him.
Ah, yes! ... but much the wiser: trained to appreciate both - this life, and the immortality of both body and soul - in the after-life condition - void of death and pain. How could one properly appreciate such gifts in any other manner? Perhaps, as is often cliched, "the gain is equal to the pain".

Further, the life of each not only possesses meaning, intrinsic to its owner; but each life also holds an integral place, in the general scheme of things. Each is assured of an indelible and unique contribution to the future of Mankind; and each possesses a unique place, intrinsic to the purposes of Deity; for all things are "SAFELY cradled in the arms of Deity". Obviously, the Creator, however, in honouring our freedom of choice, does not dictate what our choices will be, but has prepared for all possible choices made; and the natural outcomes of those choices lie comfortably within His vision, within His complete comprehension - totally within his "foreknowledge".

He is eternity, lives eternity, and has known us for eternity. Therefore, all things are as if "present" before Him - inclusive of all our ‘future’ choices, and their natural consequences.
Yes. Each life is a gift; yet each, vital. Each donates and contributes, in some manner, to Mankind and his progress.

In this way, even "Death", too, can be seen as a gift of the Creator - not just because it forms a part of life, but, more particularly, in that it is the vehicle to gaining access on living in eternity, and, eventually, in uniting with ALL of our loved ones - both, currently across the miles and across the sea, and, also, those who went before and who are yet to come to earth, generation upon generation. Eternity, as resurrected, immortal beings, unites us all.


yeti said...

i wish that you would continue to post blogs.

DH Towers said...


Thank you very much for your visit, your encouragement and your comment ...
But as you can see, in 3 years, yours is only the 2nd CommentLOL!!
Public Attention and interest would have to warrant the necessary effort in attention and research invested.
Further, I have learnt that there are some very excellent LDS writers and thinkers out there already. My 'place' in it all might better be served elsewhere.
The fruits have to be worthy of the labour.