Someone recently sent me an email, as he typically does, with evidence, as usual, that the Americans are doing it: ruining the world, in the name of some conspiracy.
My reply to him was of the following form:
Well, there is a conspiracy, [name withheld] ... but by comparison, it has very little in size or detail to do with the Americans, or any other nation, or any of these other side shows that are taking place overtly, and therefore, stealing the limelight - which is Satan's tool - to divert attention away from the real sources of the problem, by attention-getting tactics.Centrally, it has a great deal more to do with the great false god of the latter days: "Western secular university education", or the very large, powerfully influential forces that govern and direct it - as a religion to replace Christianity.Some refer to these, in fact, as the real "infidels" of the western world!
Primarily, it is run by avowed atheists, evolutionists, most feminists, humanists, socialists and other minorities - all of the 'liberal' persuasion, morally - who are steeped deeply in the 'value relativism' persuasion.We would be better placed learning of what is really going on all over the world in those powerful places who decide who shall do, and is "qualified" to do, what in life, than ‘falling for’ Satan’s sideshows as his prime conspiracy and tool of abuse.
These are the boys running the earth and all that is happening on it.
The reason things continue to go downhill decade after decade is that Satan is doing such a great job of diverting people's attention to the overt in life that they are missing the real underlying mass of work he is achieving second by second via the continuously-propagating influences buried deep in the universities and departments of formal secular education worldwide - that indoctrinate our young now, from their earliest years, in the atheistic replacement religion: ‘humanist’ secularism.
When people finally, if ever, realize where it is really stemming from, we can finally, begin to improve 'the world scene'.
God Bless you and your family for this 2007 year...
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1 comment:
Aaaaaaaaaaamen brother.
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