Thursday, February 1, 2007

A Man's World; or is it a Woman's World?

Today many men may declare [perhaps even somewhat justly] that it is no longer ‘a man’s world’; but in fact, it has long been more, ‘a woman’s world’!

For quite some time period, now, women have won almost every issue in public and in Law and been sympathetically treated in almost every discussion on the public platform.
Importantly to men, they also now hold considerable advantages in many Western countries re being considered for employ, especially in their more mature years, where it is often extremely hard, if not nigh impossible, for a man over 50 to gain any sort of reasonable and secure employ at all.

… All this, too, despite that he still likes to consider himself ‘the breadwinner’ at home, which tends to aid in self-esteem and self-respect.
Further, it seems that increasing laws and provisions and requirements for certificates and qualifications to be able to ‘operate’ in any sort of field now seems legally in place, and is very discouraging for a man over 50 trying to simply make a living for his family.
All of this has occurred under a ‘regime’ of theory and doctrine and practice quite opposite that first given by the Creator to Man.
Let’s consider some things that could relate to the way that much was meant to be if we accede to the apparent intention of our very beginnings, per holy writ.

As Julie Andrews sang in that [virtual] Immortal show, ‘The Sound of Music’:
"Let’s start at the very beginning …
A very Good place to start…"

As Genesis reveals that the very first covenant and decree of God [the Creator of all things from the beginning] AFTER the Fall, relates to the state and matter and position of Eve amongst it all - that is, in relation to Adam and to God, let’s consider Eve:
Eve was made, first and foremost - even prior the Fall, as a "helpmeet" or ‘helpmate’ for Adam.
This was actually the scripturally stated purpose for introducing Eve to earth life from the beginning - to be companion and helpmeet for Adam.

After the Fall, the Lord decreed that Eve’s "desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee" …
Most women, as I’ve known them, who understood this decree properly, have thoroughly enjoyed diligently playing this role in life - as God has created them for it. Many have caught the vision, and found great happiness in it. Fulfilling this role has made them happy, content and peaceful people. Such people are all over the world - both, in the Church and out.
The Lord also, then, talked about multiplying birth and pain for Eve.
So I see the whole prime picture this way:
For Eve to hold absolute Allegiance to Adam, she must have:
Total faith in him.
Total Hope for the 2 of them together forever … because God said they ‘shall be no more twain, but one flesh’.
Total Charity towards him…
… because as she fulfils her Godly role towards him, she seeks to adore him; she respects him; she appreciates everything about him; he’s everything to her (I mean, she’s ‘everything’ to him, also, but we are focusing on the feminine role at present) [because she’s looking totally for his potential, his glory and his joy - she’s seeking the good in him; she’s seeking his positives, and, therefore, admires him, accordingly … She has ‘hope’ in him. He is the one who will righteously lead her to Heaven; if she will follow him, in true obedience … "Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as unto the Lord", states scripture. [Of course, This all seems a bit ‘foreign’ to us at present, because of how heavily society has been so ‘anti-indoctrinated’ of the past nearly 40 years; but she will find great joy … she will find great rest to her soul and peace to her mind as she does this.]
The true Eve cannot get enough of Adam; she looks forward to his return every time he leaves … and, of course, vice-versa.
She takes total interest in him, in what he is doing and what he believes.
His success is her success.
… And this is the view that most Western women hold that have ‘successful’ husbands.
In this way, we fulfill the saying that states, "Behind every good man there’s a good woman somewhere!"
To me, this is what it means to be ‘a helpmeet/helpmate’ to Adam.
She, by having faith and confidence in him, inspires him to greater heights and to doing the greater good as a man.

2. There is another all-important vision in my mind that relates to this whole concept, especially re the home:
As I see it:
…and there’s nothing we need more on earth today than true, ‘Hearts of the Home’! Nothing more important!
(As scripture says, "Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord." Each has his/her role to play in the relationship. Neither can get away with trying to wrest the other’s role from him or her and have peace and happiness abound, unless permission is granted - for whatever unusual purpose that might be … and, even then, one might hope it to be, only a temporary measure, unless by virtue of health circumstances or some other cause, it has to be, regrettably, that way for life’s remainder.)